What Is the SSP?

Based on Dr. Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, by calming the physiological and emotional state, the door is opened for improved communication and more successful therapy. The SSP uses the auditory system as a portal to the vagus complex, which controls our physiological state. Once physiological state is regulated, we can accelerate or enhance subsequent therapy.

The Safe & Sound Protocol can help with:

  • Anxiety and trauma related challenges

  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Stressors that impact social engagement

  • Inattention

  • Auditory sensitivities

Image of a female of color putting headphones on for her S&SP session at Willow Center for Healing in Fort Wayne, IN

How Does it Work?

This non-invasive intervention involves listening to music that has been processed specifically to retune the nervous system to introduce a sense of safety and the ability to socially engage. This allows the client to better interpret not only human speech, but, importantly, the emotional meaning of language. Once interpersonal interactions improve, spontaneous social behaviors and an enhanced ability to learn, self-regulate and engage are often seen.

Image of a female outside feeling calm after an S&SP session at Willow Center for Healing in Fort Wayne, IN

Is it Right For Everyone?

Due to being at higher risk for adverse responses, the Safe & Sound Protocol may not be appropriate for people who may be experiencing the following:

  • Clients experiencing uncontrolled seizures 

  • Clients taking antipsychotic drugs 

  • Clients diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or have a family history 

  • Clients demonstrating self harm behaviors and/or at risk of suicide


For detailed information on our services and associated costs, please reach out to us directly. Our team is ready to provide you with the guidance you need to make an informed decision about your care. Contact the center today for a personalized consultation.

  • $500

    For individuals with more extensive trauma or extreme sensitivities, completing some or all of the protocol in the immediate presence of a therapist can be beneficial to help create the calm safe space needed for SSP to be effective.

    This package includes the initial assessment to discuss the protocol and make sure you or your child is a good candidate for the program, access to 5 hours of Connect listening to prepare for Core* if needed, and 1 or more in-person sessions with the therapist creating a calm-safe space for treatment to take place and ensuring the program is adapted to your needs.

    If you or your child are able and would like to complete the program via tele-health at home you will have access to the remaining hours of the specially filtered Safe and Sound Protocol music remotely. The sessions will be completed via Zoom and home or text check-ins as you work on the program to keep you feeling connected and progressing through sessions. A 30 minute session to evaluate progress after listening is completed, and a 30 minute follow up session 6 weeks after Safe and Sound Protocol is completed.

    *Core is broken up into 10 listening sessions ranging in length of 30 to 60 minutes.

  • $500

    This package includes an initial 1 hour assessment to discuss the protocol and make sure you or your child is a good candidate for the program. Software set up to help you get started. Access to 5 hours of the specially filtered Safe and Sound Protocol music. Phone or text check-ins as you work on the program to keep you feeling connected and progressing through sessions. A 30-minute session to evaluate progress after listening is completed, and a 30-minute follow up session 6 weeks after Safe and Sound Protocol is completed.

  • $50/month

    SSP Balance is a pathway that can be used to extend and integrate the gains of the SSP and potentially act as a state stabilizer. SSP Balance was developed as a follow up to the SSP Core to offer an opportunity to return to music as a calming and grounding experience with a less strenuous neural workout. The music in SSP Balance uses the same playlists as SSP Core, but is treated to present the frequency envelope of human voice with a narrower and less dynamic modulation around this range. It should feel like less of an exercise program than SSP Core and more of a re-experiencing of the cues of safety the client will remember from SSP Core.

    There is no particular order necessary for listening to the music in SSP Balance as the filtration algorithm for each hour is the same. This means you can feel free to keep returning to the same hour or half-hour segment that appeals to you or your client or move freely in any order. You can listen ambiently via speakers or your computer or any type of headphone.

    If you'd like to extend the Balance portion of SSP for an additional 30 days after you've completed the entire program the cost is $75.00.

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We’re a group of like-minded therapists and instructors who believe in helping people help themselves. We’d like the opportunity to support you in your goals, and help you make lasting changes in your life.